University courses
We currently work with various universities in Europe (Paris Descartes university, Institut Villebon-Charpak, university of Bordeaux, Sciences-Po Reims, ETH/Uni Zürich, University of Lausanne...). You will find here our examples of trainings we currently deliver. For instance, we guide students to deal with issues related to misconduct in science as well as gender and social inequities, and we mentor students to transparently communicate the results and process of research.
Please note that we tailor each training (content and format) to the local context. We are also happy to design any session based on your input.
Undergraduate level
Life sciences curricula
Situate a research question : analyse research practices, from epistemological / historical / sociological / economical perspectives
project-based course : replication and reproducibility analysis of experiments performed by professional researchers.
Workshops on transversal skills (e.g. build a learning community, analyse the challenges of interdisciplinary research, explore the social dimensions of the research practice...)
Political sciences curricula
Questioning scientific research in the light of evolutionary biology
Master / PhD / postdoctoral level
Here are examples of PhD trainings we offer.
Below are detailed descriptions of trainings we already designed in collaboration with various universities.
Extended Scientific Literacy (pdf) – in collaboration with graphical designers and performers
Scientific integrity & well-being (pdf)
Innovative teaching at the bachelor level (pdf)
Teaching at university : burden or opportunity ? (pdf)
Interdisciplinary research : building bridges between disciplinary cultures (pdf)
Social responsibility in science – strengthen the educational and social outreach of your academic activity (pdf)
These PhD trainings can be delivered on-site or as "summer schools", on the Basque coast, in a relaxing environment, appropriate for focused, productive and reflexive work.