Publications from our team members
Despret et al, La place donnée aux citoyens dans la recherche scientifique doit être repensée. Le Monde, 2020.
Bories et al, L'habitant-chercheur : nouvelle figure des sciences impliquées. Projets de Paysage, 2018.
Espinosa G. & Ribrault C. Co-construction d’une recherche avec des collégiens. Diversité, 2017
Ruiz-Mallén et al. Citizen science : Toward Transformative Learning. Science Communication, 2016.
a more detailed version of this report : Citizen science, engagement and transformative learning : a study of the co-construction of a neuroscience research project in Catalonia
Bonnefond et al. Repainting citizen science. Science, 2015
Andújar et al. Twenty tips for high-school students engaging in research with scientists. Frontiers for young minds, 2015.
Perié L. et al. Kids’ questions transcend conflict. Science, 2014
Perié L. et al. Straight into conflict zones, scientific research empowers the minds. JCOM, 2014.
Riboli-Sasco L. & Perié L. Science Festivals Open Doors. Science, 2011.
Flutre T. et al. Pilot scheme for misconduct database. Nature, 2011.
Other texts
Est-ce que quelque chose t'étonne ?
in English : Scientific Research In Questions
Entrez/ées en métaphores (produced within the project funded by Carasso Foundation)
Horizons métaphoriques (produced within the project funded by Carasso Foundation)
Shaking metaphors to generate new research questions. Ninio et al, 2019
L'engagement chez les scientifiques : une absence de neutralité assumée, une objectivité confortée. (à partir de 57'). Par Livio Riboli-Sasco.
How radical forms of citizen’s participation in science transforms the way we conduct research. Par Livio Riboli-Sasco. Within the course Raising awareness on History, Epistemology and Ethics of science at PSL university.
Further readings
Science, society, values
Values in science (an introduction). Douglas Allchin, in International Handbook of Science Education. 1988 (pdf)
Aims of education address. Questioning the authority of truth. 2011. University of Chicago. by B.E. Harcourt.
Citizen Scientists. Jack Stilgoe, pamphlet, 2009. (pdf)
The slow science manifesto.
Academic community, responsibility, integrity
Double-Blind Review Favours Increased Representation of Female Authors. Budden AE et al. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 2008. (pdf)
How to Make More Published Research True. Ioannidis, J. PLoS Medicine. 2014 (pdf)
Scientists Behaving Badly. Martinson B. et al. Nature. 2005
Science Faculty’s Subtle Gender Biases Favor Male Students. Moss-Racusin C. et al. PNAS. 2012 (full text)
Sociology of science, science studies
Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. Donna Haraway. Feminist Studies. 1988 (pdf)
An Inquiry Into the Modes of Existence. Bruno Latour. 2012.
Une Autre Science Est Possible ! Isabelle Stengers. 2013.
Science and social outreach
Scientists who engage with society perform better academically. Pablo Jensen et al., Science and Public Policy. 2008. (pdf)
Travels In Troy With Freire, technology as agent of emancipation. Paulo Blikstein, in Freire and the Possible Dream. 2008. (pdf)
Public Participation in Scientific Research: Defining the Field and Assessing Its Potential for Informal Science Education. A CAISE Inquiry Group Report (pdf)
Teaching science for social justice. A.C. Barton et al. 2003. (google book)
Review of literature around engagement with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds (Wellcome Trust, pdf)
Research into engagement activities with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds (Wellcome Trust, pdf)
Original ways to share science
La vie après la mort d'Henrietta Lacks. On the daily life of being a researcher.
Job de rêve (Fr): Build upon imagination to choose your career path