NC-S Projects

How do colours (e.g. of a classroom) influence learning?

Molins de Rei, Catalunya (2013 - ...)

Commanditaires: a group of high school students, now university students

Researchers: Mathilde Bonnefond (CNRS) & Guillaume Sescousse (Radboud University, Nijmegen)

Local facilitator : Daniel Laguna Estaùn

Publications :

And further:

Private gardens & ecological transition : how do human-"nature" relationships build in private gardens ?

Marigny, Deux-Sèvres (2013-...)

Commanditaires: a group of inhabitants, members of the association "Marigny Biodiversité".



And further: 


How do groups of friends form, in the period of adolescence ? 

Montreux-Château, Territoire de Belfort (2014 - ...)

Commanditaires : secondary school students, collège Camille Claudel

Researchers : Gaëlle Espinosa, Laboratoire Interuniversitaire de Sciences de l'éducation et de la Communication (LISEC), Université de Lorraine. 

Collab. with Benoît Dejaiffe (LISEC) & participation of A. Beilhartz, master student (univ. Lorraine)

Local facilitators : Olivier Corbont, Fabienne Etienne, Laurent Salvador

To go further:


How will the coastline evolve, nearby the slum ?

2° Torrão, Almada (2014 - ...)

Commanditaires : inhabitants of Segundo Torrão, Almada (Lisbon suburb)

Researchers : Rui Taborda (université de Lisbonne), André Fortunato et Paula Freire (Laboratoire national d’ingénierie civile, Lisbonne), Xavier Bertin, Baptiste Mengual et Kevin Martins (université de la Rochelle)

Local facilitators : João Duarte, Tatiana Arquizan

To go further:


How to live in one's neighborhood with multiple sclerosis ? How to help each other, about handicap ?

Belfort, France (2014 - ... )

Commanditaires : Groupe of inhabitants, Centre Culturel et Social des Résidences Bellevue

Researchers : Marc Bessin (CNRS, EHESS), Myriam Winance (INSERM, CERMES3)

in collaboration with Marc Debouverie (CHU Nancy), Emmanuelle Busch (psychologist)

How to identify language impairments in bilingual children (Basque-French) ? How to stake into account the socio-linguistic context?

Pays-Basque Nord (2016 - ...)

Commanditaires: group of bilingual speech therapists and teachers

Researchers : Maria Jose Ezeizabarrena Segurola (laboratoire de psycholinguistique, université du Pays Basque),  Marie Pourquie (IKER, CNRS Bayonne)

How have tourism & agriculture evolved in Bidart since early last century? Which impact have such transformations had on landscape, urbanism and forms of collective life?

Bidart, France (2017-...)

Commanditaires: group of inhabitants, municipal representatives & employees

Researchers: Terexa Lekumberri (Institut Culturel Basque)

"Politique de la machine agricole", history and present

Renage, France (2016 - ...)

Commanditaires : l'Atelier Paysan, cooperative company

Researchers : Sara Aguiton (EHESS, Centre Alexandre Koyré), Samuel Pinaud (Université Paris Dauphine, laboratoire IRISSO), Céline Pessis (EHESS, Centre Alexandre Koyré)

en collaboration avec Christophe Bonneuil (EHESS, Centre Alexandre Koyré), Stéphanie Barral (INRA, LISIS), François Jarrige (univ. de Bourgogne), Jérémie Grojnowski (univ. Paris Nanterre), Jeanne Oui (EHESS, Centre Alexandre Koyré).